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We would like to invite you to consider donating and supporting the work of the Sunshine Association of Tasmania. The Sunshine Association is  a unique, Tasmanian wide, children's charity. It assists disadvantaged children up to 18 years of age. The Sunshine Association is fully registered with the Australian Charities and Not-For-Profits Commission and has been granted tax Deductible Gift Recipient status by the Australian Taxation Office. All donations of $2 and over are tax deductible for individual and corporate donors. By donating to the Sunshine Association Committee in your area, you can be assured that  your donation will be used to assist needy children in your community.


The Sunshine Association makes an important difference in the lives of many disadvantaged children in Tasmania. We invite you to join in this work and to ensure that the Sunshine  Association continues to grow and be viable in the future. The Sunshine Association acknowledges a strong relationship with the Lions Club of Tasmania and the Tasmanian Lions Foundation which acts as a trustee to oversee the Association's capital investment and annual audit.


If you would like to make a donation to the work of the SUNSHINE ASSOCIATION of TASMANIA:

You may donate via internet banking to The Sunshine Association of Tasmania.


Southern Committee



Northern Committee



North Western Committee



The internet bank transaction will provide you with proof and a receipt for your tax deduction.


Alternatively, you may wish to forward a cheque to Treasurer, Sunshine Association of Tasmania:


Southern Committee, PO Box 770, Sandy Bay. Tas. 7006


Northern Committee, PO Box 25, Kings Meadows. Tas. 7249


North West Committee, PO Box 1020, Burnie. Tas .7320


A receipt will be mailed to you.

We would like to recognise our 4 Honorary Life Members: Phil Rackett (dec ), John Errey, Phyl Batchelor and Rip Shield. Phil, John and Rip dedicated around 30 years of  service each to the Sunshine Association.


Copyright Sunshine Association of Tasmania Inc 2023

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