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People are special to us.  View here some of the times that we have been able to help others.







Newstead College working project to build houses in Cambodia.



Scholarship recipient from Rosny College.

Newspaper Article

Newspaper Article

This is an article of some students we helped get to Sydney to represent their school.

Article about Adventure camp

Article about Adventure camp

An article and some photo's about a school outdoor education/leadership group activity.

Thank-you letter

Thank-you letter

A touching thank you letter from a prep 1/2 class.

Sunshine Association meeting

Sunshine Association meeting

A Sunshine Association.

Students on Camp

Students on Camp

Some students that we assisted to get onto a camp enjoying some time in a MASSIVE hammock.

Sunshine house

Sunshine house

Sunshine house.

School Camp

School Camp

Another school camp held at 7 mile beach with some horse trail riding.

State committees meeting

State committees meeting

Meeting of all three committees in Tasmania.



School camp aided by the Sunshine Association.

College students

College students

Newstead College Christian camp - students taking a not-altogether-serious photo.

Deer Feeding

Deer Feeding

Fence Sitting

Fence Sitting

Students from another outdoor activity enjoying the rustic fence.

We would like to recognise our 4 Honorary Life Members: Phil Rackett (dec ), John Errey, Phyl Batchelor and Rip Shield. Phil, John and Rip dedicated around 30 years of  service each to the Sunshine Association.


Copyright Sunshine Association of Tasmania Inc 2023

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